In recent times, the government of Ghana, under President Akuffo Addo, appealed to Ghanaians in the Diaspora to RETURN home and contribute to development efforts of the country. The invitation was also extended to non-Ghanaians, especially Africa-Americans who may identify with Africa, especially Ghana. The phrase “The Year of Return” was coined to drum home this agenda, and has become a regular celebration.

It has always been MFR’s goal to encourage Ghanaians in the Diaspora to return with their expertise, which is sorely needed in the development of Ghana. It is also part of MFR’s business model to help them settle comfortably and productively back in Ghana. 

Cudjoe Amenyah, the C.E.O. of MFR, a management consulting company in Ghana, is a returnee who is acutely aware of the difficulties ahead of any RETURN. MFR therefore draws from the experiences of some among the returnee community, starting with Cudjoe Amenyah himself, and close friends as well as some acquaintances.  It is encouraging to note that though many returnees have encountered many difficulties, many among them have made it, and are doing well in Ghana.

In our upcoming series of articles, MFR will discuss some common difficulties encountered by returnees, and profile some success stories. We will also outline a necessary elaborate preparation process–- things anyone thinking of a return must do to sufficiently prepare before returning. This article serves as an introduction to the series. I invite you to read subsequent articles as well.  You can also get more information from MFR’s website – You may post your questions and/or contributions as well on the website.

Please look out for and READ the following upcoming articles:

  2. Current Conditions you will meet in Ghana on your RETURN
  3. How to prepare for and plan your RETURN to minimize difficulties
  4. Things you can do in Ghana when you RETURN
  5. How MFR can assist you in your efforts to RETURN
  6. Profiles of some RETURNEES 

Cudjoe Senyo Amenyah,


Please look out for our next article, GOING BACK HOME – THE RETURN

MFR can help you with Business Startup planning, and provide some Management Services to existing businesses in Ghana.

For more information,

Contact us:

Phone +233 20 954 3512

